Dr. Robert Nyarango

Dr. Robert Nyarango
Chief Executive Officer, Gertrude's Children's Hospital
Dr. Robert Nyarango works as a Chief Executive Officer at Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital, which is a Hospitals & Physicians Clinics company with an estimated 761 employees; and founded in 1947. They are part of the Executive team within the C-Suite Department and their management level is C-Level. Robert graduated from USIU , Africa and is currently based in Nairobi, Kenya.
He is an experienced health systems manager with specific interest and practical experience in hospital healthcare delivery and healthcare quality and safety.
Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital is the largest hospital in East and Central Africa dedicated sorely to the care of children. The hospital provides Accident and Emergency, primary care, secondary and tertiary care to children through both outpatient and inpatient services.
Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital Outpatient Services comprise of a network of ten outpatient units in and around Nairobi attending cumulatively to about 300,000 children a year. The scope of outpatient care includes accident and emergency, primary care, chronic care through 22 sub – specialty clinics, rehabilitation services, preventive care dental services, and outreach clinics provided by a highly skilled multidisciplinary team.
The Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital Quality and Patient Safety program aims at achieving the highest level of clinical and service quality through a continuous quality improvement process, patient and staff safety improvement, internal and external benchmarking and accreditation.