Kenneth Mwige

Kenneth Mwige
Director General, Vision 2030
Ken is a lawyer by training, with wide-ranging experience in banking, finance, human rights, governance and public sector reforms – a mixed-bag for sure, but challenges are never shirked.
Ken has worked with and for a variety of institutions in the Public Sector, Private Sector with Non-Governmental Organisations, among them The Konrad Adenauer Foundation, The International Commission of Jurists (Kenya Chapter), Work Placement as a Pegasus Scholar of the Inner Temple at One Essex Court Chambers, London, and the then Paisner & Company Solicitors, London, The Standard Chartered Bank, The Kenya Anti-Corruption Authority, The Interest Rates Advisory Centre Ltd, The Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission, the then Public Complaints Standing Committee of Kenya (Ombudsman), and has consulted for various clients, among them the then Directorate of Public Prosecutions, The Department of Ethics and Integrity in the Office of the President, The National Council on the Administration of Justice (NCAJ), DfID, USAID and GTZ.
Ken’s most recent long-term Public Sector engagement was in the Shipping and Maritime Industry as Secretary-General of the Intergovernmental Standing Committee on Shipping (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia). In his tenure, Ken transformed the institution to a modern, forward-facing, client-oriented, technology-embracing body, with its first-ever Strategic Plan in 50 years of existence (1967-2017). Ken’s signature achievement was in successfully lobbying the Governments of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia to onshore Marine Cargo Insurance within the territories of Member States. The Republics of Tanzania and Kenya amended their Insurance Acts, while the Republics of Uganda and Zambia are in various stages of legal change and implementation.
Ken has a professional interest in Public Sector Management and Reform, Justice and Software Development (private and public sector spheres). Ken is also at the vanguard of Information Technology, with a particular interest in using technology to solve every day challenges, issues and problems. Ken loves challenges, and cooperating with like-minded persons to level mountains, untie knots, push barriers and extend frontiers. He is a man for all seasons; open minded, adaptable, resourceful, creative, a problem-solver and, critically, an innovator.