Flora W. Mutahi

Flora W. Mutahi
Chair, Kenya Private Sector Alliance
Flora W Mutahi is the current chairperson of the Kenya Private sector Alliance (KEPSA). KEPSA is the apex body for the whole private sector with most Business member organizations and now SME membership. We interact with government, and the diplomatic community to advocate and promote polices and a conducive environment for the private sector.
Founder and CEO of Melvin Marsh International Ltd which is the pioneer food processing company that blends and packages Kenyan tea, Salt and rice products under the brand name Melvin’s. Melvin, was the first company to introduce Free Flowing salt and flavored tea in Kenya. It is currently the largest natural flavored tea company in Kenya and is available countrywide and in several regional and international countries. We now have the whole range of teas from black, green purple and white teas, CTC and orthodox teas.
Flora is also the chairperson of Anti counterfeit Agency (ACA). ACA is a parastatal with the mandate to help rid Kenya of counterfeit goods through enforcement and public education. During my term we have been able to develop and enact into law a recordation process that will see the organization register all imports while earning the organization revenue to enable us become independent from the treasury.
She is also a board member at UN GLOBAL Compact New York (UNGC). UNGC is a voluntary intuitive based on the universal sustainability principles. This is a position granted by the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to disseminate the sustainability principles. With board members from all over the world as board members, we are expected to promote the 10 basic principles of the compact and share our successes with the Secretary-General at least twice annually. I also represented the CEO in global meetings as a board member from time to time.In 2020 I was invited to sit on a committee by the International Chamber of Commerce to Reimagine the financial payment ecosystem for SMEs for a period of 18 months where came out with a concept paper for financial institutions to improve the global trade finance ecosystem for SME’s.